Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Praesent aliquet pellentesque nisi.

October 2019


Today was a big and exciting day as truck after truck came loaded with concrete ready to fill the trenches that were set with re-bar. A total of 45 yards of concrete. The entrance has been graded to level the transition from the road to the property. The band has been poured to accommodate the rolling of the front gate which will be our next exciting improvement. The base for the very large tree boxes was poured and the masons will begin building the walls for the “grand entrance”. Bryan and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to place our hands in the wet concrete.  [ngg src="galleries" ids="14" display="basic_thumbnail"

I love when Bryan flys the drone over the vineyard showing the growth of the beautiful vines. The progress is all very exciting. We are currently working on the entrance to the vineyard. Trenches are being dug for the fittings of the wall entrance and gate, platforms and irrigation being prepped for the olive trees and the fabric will soon be spread for the roads.