Goodbye 2020 and Hello 2021!
I’ve been struggling for quite awhile with putting words to paper. In reflecting upon 2020 I count our blessings for all the good things that took place and the miracle of our grandson being born in January along with so many other precious babies that were born. Although there were countless events of goodness to remind us just how amazing and wonderful GOD is, we are also reminded that there are events that occur in life that don’t bring us happiness but instead bring us sorrow and our out of our control. It’s in those times of sorrow that we need to turn to our faith even more as I was raised to believe faith will see you through even the darkest of times. Our hearts break for those who have loss loved ones not only to the COVID pandemic, but to tragedy, sadness and unforeseeable events. I know we have sent prayers to heaven for so many people whose hearts are hurting. Our prayers will continue and our faith will continue. 2020 has surely been trying in so many ways. But together we can rise above and persevere.
One thing I’ve taken to heart through experiences this year is no matter your color of skin, no matter your political views, we need to find the goodness in our hearts to see the goodness in all people. These aren’t viable reasons to judge others or end relationships. If anything, its a reason to come together and lift up goodness and acts of kindness.
We are excited about 2021 and the opening of our winery. So much work has been taking place to reach our target date of opening in June. Areas have been created for our wine lovers to visit, relax and sip on the very tasty wines that are coming along beautifully. The aroma of yumminess that hits you in the face when you walk into the shed with all our wines is nothing less than WOW! (I’ve declared yumminess as a descriptive word for a type of aroma).
May 2021 bring you all more happiness than sadness, more love than hate and more kindness than ever before.
Bryan and I raise a glass to what we would like to believe will be a better year.
Bryan, Michele and family